Bitterman's Home Chef Essentials Salt Kit includes everything an aspiring or seasoned home chef needs to season to perfection. These salts are truly the foundation of good cooking, and will last you a full four seasons of cooking. You can use these salts everyday, they include:
Bitterman's Fleur de Sel is hand harvested from solar-evaporated salt ponds by skimming just the finest crystals from the surface. This Fleur de Sel is made in Guatemala from salt pans in an area famed for supplying the Mayan Empire at the height of its power. The salt has delicate crystals, luscious moisture, satisfying crunch, and a rich, balanced mineral taste. It's our go-to cooking, baking, brining and all-around finishing salt.
Biiterman’s Flake Salt is the snow of the sea, with a soft, crispy texture and a salinity so other-worldly it will transport any dish it touches. This salt loves spring and summer. Gently scatter the flakes on lightly dressed green salads, raw or freshly grilled vegetables, fish and other seafoods.
Bitterman's Sel Gris is a classic French gros sel (coarse salt) and makes an tremendous replacement for all coarse industrial kosher and sea salts. The culmination of two millennia of salt making experience on the exquisitely pristine coastal waters Île de Noirmoutier, this gros sel gris is truly historic. Use mostly for all-around cooking and finishing hearty foods, like steaks, roasts, beans, soups and stews. This salt has coarse, moist crystals with impeccable balance and surprising suppleness given their heft!
Himalayan Pink Salt is a pure, hand-mined salt found deep inside the pristine foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. This 250 million year old, Jurassic era pink sea salt is known for its healing properties and is used as an all-around cooking salt. Sprinkle generously on popcorn, use in brines and pickles, frying potato chips, French fries and fritters, or when making homemade baked goods.
Biiterman’s Grinding Salt is a course, mineral-rich sea salt from fresh seawater off the coast of New Zealand. This pantry staple is the ideal grinding salt for everyday cooking. Fill your salt mill and grind this over everything from sauteed vegetables to lean, gamey meats. If you're feeling bold, leave this salt whole and sprinkle over the bold and powerful foods, think tomahawk steak over a firepit in the heat of the summer with herbaceous roasted potatoes and a rich hunters sauce.